Thinking about doing a PhD? You think you are really smart? Think that getting a PhD will help your career? Think again. Getting a job is much better than 6+ years PhD. Run away from academia, run for your life. Slow painful death in this prison

Category: Ponzi Scheme

PhD: need a divorce

Most starts for ‘a passion’ (there is no money) to contribute to knowledge, and secretly wanted to be famous. 4 years into the program you find yourself into doing futile calculation of small details. Sinking feeling, your life isn’t going anywhere, would you leave? You should.

PhD: Publication doesn’t lead to job

Do you have a publication in a ‘good’ journal (science, nature) etc? Obviously you are pretty happy if you do have that. However, your happiness is ‘irrational exuberance’ given that so much effort you have put into it and after so many years that good publication means exactly zero. No one really want to hire you as they don’t understand the relevance of your particular thesis to their area and honestly you look bit of a moron to chase an esoteric subject for so long and now looking for a career in an irrelevant field. Reality doesn’t sink in easily as some PhDs’ end up doing postdoc… an insanity of gigantic proportions. Not only the postdoc is burying his career coffin in sand, it propagates the bad idea that postdoc is a career path. Yes, the almost invisible, walking dead postdocs will also look for ‘permanent positions’.. given that jobs are non-existent in academia, how is this fool’s hope help anyone?

Professor: Fraud X-mas

Are you getting x-mas holiday wishes from your professor? Trust not, they are wishes from the Fraud professor. All professors, without exception, knows how much time it might take for your PhD degree completion, yet, did they EVER tell you even in passing that it will take six years?
No, they did not. This is lying by omission, a dangerous and vile lie and omission, because, it hurts an inexperienced student’s career prospect, tying her with a 7 or 8 years useless degree. By the time you finish, you are unqualified to do any work and don’t have motivation to do any. You can’t retire, you haven’t started your career yet, don’t have any money and in extremely vulnerable shape. Do these Fraud professor care? NO, because he is hooked onto cheap labor for his fancy project which made such loser out of you.. the supposedly smart person wanting to be famous.
Yes, life is that bleak after PhD, there are scores looking for jobs and industry often know what to do with these supposedly smart people and academia clearly wants to abuse them, academia doesn’t have any job to begin with. One might open up in next ten years if you could bang your head on the wall. Have a merry X-mas or happy holidays if you prefer.

PhD: life altering experience

Yes. Your life gets ‘altered’ after doing a PhD. You don’t know what is even you are looking for in a career. Another six years of slaving in postdoc? Does a ‘assistant professor’ opportunity opens up in the middle of nowhere? Or you are gonna do ‘adjunct professorship’ for pizza money?
You probably don’t have a spouse because it’s harrowing to watch a dead person (PhD) nagging about opportunity in short life. You live like a ghost, whose existence is often denied, you are probably not even aware that you exist in any meaningful way.

Postdoc: The staggering stupidity

It does not lead one to a career yet so many toil till their forty. No one knows exactly why. Lack of a little courage makes otherwise smart people to complete idiots regarding their career. You couldn’t draw blood from stone, neither can you get a career by slaving in academia.

PhD: Winning prizes in dreams?

PhDs usually have nightmares. Yes, your life isn’t going anywhere, there’s no forseeable good thing happening in your career, moreover, you are brain damaged to think you should continue this path and listen to same tenured dinosaur professor.
A magical malaise has consumed you. Will you get out of it? 50% never do.